Fire Watch Services
When a fire protection system fails, repairing it is the top priority. Some issues can’t be fixed quickly, however, and your local fire department may require you to establish a fire watch. When this happens, a person must be on-site at all times continually watching for fire.
FIRE WATCH-A temporary measure intended to ensure continuous and systematic surveillance of a building or portion thereof by one or more qualified individuals for the purposes of identifying and controlling fire hazards, detecting early signs of unwanted fire, raising an alarm of fire and notifying the fire department.
– SRT Officer(s) are issued the required equipment necessary for the fire watch.
– SRT Officer(s) will make contact with a responsible party upon arrival including the fire watch person they are relieving. (ex: front desk personnel, security officer in charge, general manager)
– SRT Officer(s) will exchange phone numbers with the responsible party so they can contact them while they are on site.
– SRT Officer(s) will familiarize themselves with the facility layout. Check to make sure egress is not impeded or obstructed. Plan for the worst-case scenario.
– SRT Officer(s) will locate fire extinguishers should they need them. Locate standpipe outlets should they need to direct firefighting personnel to them.
– SRT Officer(s) will identify and work to eliminate potential fire hazards. (ex: ignition sources, non-code compliant flammable liquid storage, combustible waste accumulations)
– SRT Officer(s) will patrol all areas at least once per hour for large facilities. Smaller facilities should have all areas patrolled every thirty minutes.
– SRT Officer(s) will not leave their watch or watch duties without being properly relieved.
– SRT Officer(s) will stay alert.